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Painting of the Pyramids

Pyramid Energy


What is Pyramid Meditation?


Anapanasati Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is referred to as Pyramid Meditation.


Why use Pyramids?


All earthly structures can be classified as either symmetrical or asymmetrical. Among all symmetrical structures, a Pyramid is the most stable structure, and one which receives the highest Cosmic Energy. Moreover, if a pyramid is angled according to the great Pyramids of Egypt, that is, their golden angle of inclination at 51 degrees 50 minutes then it has been observed to receive the highest amounts of Cosmic Energy. 


Pyramid Energy is a life-giving force called bio-cosmic energy, which allows for the pyramid to become a kind of cosmic antenna that tunes into vast energy sources, receives the energy and changes itself into a magnetic field.


This is the reason why Pyramids are store-houses of cosmic energy. ​When any object is placed inside the Pyramid, the object receives amplified or stronger information about itself. This frequency raises the potential of the object and charges it. So in essence a pyramid is a geometric energy amplifier. The Pyramid puts things back the way they are supposed to be; it makes things more perfect.


Benefits of using Pyramids for Meditation


  • A pyramid aids meditation because it focuses harmonious energy within you hence meditation is faster, deeper and more rewarding. Meditation done inside a Pyramid is three times more powerful than ordinary meditation. 


  • The use of a Pyramid in meditation will accelerate the relaxation process, bringing feelings of calmness, well-being, and a more open and positive attitude. Meditators reported deeper relaxation, an enhanced sense of well-being and increased levels of awareness. These conditions have been achieved due to the positive energy flow in the pyramid facilitating deeper focus. 


  • People meditating in a pyramid regularly, have received strong spiritual and psychic impressions, out-of-body experiences, enhanced dreams and visions, vivid visual imagery and increased memory recall. Many people reported feeling revitalized with sense-perceptions sharpened after spending time within a pyramid.


​​Effects of Pyramid Energy


  • Quick Healing:
    • Pyramids can be used effectively to obtain relief and complete cure from all types of diseases when combined with meditation.
  • Increased Immunity: 
    • For general problems that arise due to pollution like allergy, Pyramids can be utilized to attain unbelievable relief. If the Pyramid energy is absorbed regularly, the body’s immunity increases.
  • Healthier Water: 
    • If we drink water stored in a Pyramid for a minimum of three days, the universal energy will reach all parts of the body.
  • Food Preservation:

    • Pyramids have the ability to preserve food. Food and beverages stay fresh longer and acquire enhanced flavour. Fruit is preserved indefinitely by dehydration.

  • Memory Power:
    •  If students wear Pyramid shaped caps while studying, their memory power and knowledge improves.
  • Uniform Distribution of Energy: 
    • There is a continuous of flow energy in the Pyramid. Irrespective of the number of people present, everyone receives equal energy from the Pyramid.
  • Reduction in Negative Thoughts:
    • The power of our will (and what we think) increases inside a Pyramid. Hence we should avoid negative thoughts when we are sitting there to avoid increasing the negative energy.
  • Increased Productivity: 
    • If some seeds are kept in Pyramid for 1-5 days before their sowing, the yield from these seeds is found to be 20-100% more than the yield of normal seeds. The plants grown out of the seeds taken from Pyramid are found to be healthier.
  • Increased Effectiveness: 
    • Glucose and some iso-osmotic liquids stored in Pyramid are found to be more effective in drug de-addiction campaigns. They can be injected into the veins or given orally.


  • Quality of sleep and clarity of dreams improves under a Pyramid


Pyramid Construction

For the construction of a Pyramid, it is enough if we know the base measurement alone as we can calculate the rest, that is the side, height and the height of the King’s Chamber inside the Pyramid. The King’s Chamber should be located in the center of the Pyramid, at 1/3rd the height from the base of the Pyramid. Energies will be maximum at the level of the King’s Chamber. Base measurement of a Pyramid can be chosen (any size) as per convenience and need.


Side of Pyramid = Base x 0.951


Height of pyramid = Base x 0.636


Height of King's Chamber = 1/3 x Height of pyramid


If we maintain this relation we will automatically get the pyramid angle of 51’51” 


Construction Material


Experiments have shown copper to be the best metal for an open-frame meditation pyramid, due to its natural electronic and bio-enhancing properties, but pyramid structures of cardboard, wood or bamboo are effective too, if built to the same proportional dimensions as the Great Pyramid.


Crystals placed at the apex of a pyramid multiply and distribute the cosmic energy across the pyramid.




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